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(352) 234-6872


7 Days A Week - By Appointment

7 Days A Week - By Appointment Only

Auto Repair and After Hours Mobile Mechanic

General Maintenance & Light Repair

Vehicles require regular routine maintenance for optimal performance.

Don't Buy A Lemon

Used Vehicle Inspection

We're here to help prevent you from buying a lemon.

Authorized Service Provider


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Financing Available

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Do you have a shop?
4707 County Road 156 Unit 202
Wildwood, FL 34785
Near Brownwood Square, The Villages
Do mobile mechanics charge a fee?
Most do. If you choose to not proceed with the suggested repair, all you owe is the small service fee for our time and basic diagnostics visit.
Do I have to buy my own parts?
We do not usually allow this as it becomes a liability on our part depending on the quality of part you purchase. If you buy a part and we install it, there is no warranty on our part if that part fails. You will be required to pay the labor costs all over again to remove and reinstall the new part. In addition it will be your responsibility to get the part replaced under warranty wherever you purchased it. When Kraken Automotive provides the parts, we guarantee the part and labor for at least 2 years. We take on the burden of any warranty claim, install and reinstalling the part and so fourth – limiting the burden on you.
What types of payment do you accept
Many, if not properly licensed will only accept cash. Kraken Automotive however offers the ability for our customers to pay via cash, credit or debit card and sometimes check. In addition we also offer financing options.
Auto Repair Wildwood
Light Auto Repair
and After Hours
Mobile Mechanic
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We Work With

most aftermarket warranty providers
ASE Certified
Pick-Up Drop Off Available
Gas Fleet Services

Locations We Service